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- Clare Rosenfield

by the “Nana who raps instead of naps”​​



Undoing all democracy

All ‘cause you cannot seem to face

Putting self in another’s place

Like pregnant women in dire straits

You claim some power to control their fates

But won’t let doctors vaccinate

‘cause that for you controls YOUR fate.

You think the unborn it’s wrong to halt

But baby wolves you’ll kill to a fault

And go to battle and kill full adults

And make of guns full-scale cults.

Why don’t you look at all this stuff?

This hypocritical alt-right bluff?

You couldn’t care less for women’s rights,

You only care for bullying and fights.

Well, time is up for hypocrites

‘cause women are done with your hissy fits.

We make up half the human race,

Without a mother you’d lack a face,

You’d lack a body, a life on earth.

It’s up to HER, your earthly birth.

And every birth is HER own choice.

She owns her body and her voice

And you do not, do not, do NOT.

Women’s rights aren’t sold or bought.

If you are Taliban or Texan,

Your bullying is just as vexing,

Imposing your will onto me

Forgetting that each one is free.

Just like you who refuse the mask,

Protecting all is all we ask,

But why do you say NO to that?

Because it feels imposed and flat.

So can you FEEL how women feel

When you all claim to take the wheel

And put controls on someone’s life

And cause great pain and untold strife?

If you believe this land to be

The “Land of the brave” and of the “free,”

Then take your mitts off others’ lives

And go back inside your own beehives

And contemplate the wrong you’ve done

By trying to armtwist everyone.

And make amends and a new day

When all of us, we all can say:

I respect  you and you respect me

And let us all vow to agree

That all of us all equally

Deserve to be, just to be just free,

Free to be you, free to be me,




(A term borrowed with permission from Swami Beyondandanda)​​

How can we

Ban the he-man style dictatorship


The kid who’s wrecked our mother-ship

Not just our nation and disgusted our notion

Of what a democracy should be

A denier of O say can you see

The Constitution in shreds, contusion and confusion

And the courts of law

Heehaw he’ll draw

His own line in the sand all planned

Thanks to his lies ‘cuz he defies

The truth

Flies in its face

It’s a disgrace

It’s a real case

For disqualifying

A predator from days of yore a dinosaur

Who marched on shore

Crashed in a door

And dropped the floor

Out from the pundits

Who had fun till it was no joke

To poke a hole in all his arguments

All substance-free

But then there’s those who care to follow

And to wallow and go ga-ga over a celebrity

Who has no care for you or me

Who wants the throne to own

And blab forth his uneducated predicated form of dessicated spiel

O the weal of our well-being

Is on the chopping block

No talk can stop it

Just the voting booth

Forsooth let’s let Congress find out the truth

Yes urge it do due diligence

And send him hence

For impeachable offenses

For which there’s no defenses

A clear and present danger

An enemy of the stranger

A provocateur

Who continually creates a stir

What if he does cause a war?

What for? What for?

Where’s old style diplomacy?

Where’s poise and meritocracy?

Where’s calm collaboration

With all the nations

Who want peace

Who want these threats to cease? 

Which lead to regrets

For lack of reason

It feels like treason

A pall’s appalling

Calling all of us

To stand up strong

Speak in a throng

Speak up! Speak out!

The people’s clout

To strike him out

This ain’t no game

To play with shame

Upon our country’s reputation

For voters’ poor miscalculation

So now’s the time

For us to climb

Up to the height

And light a light

Not for the Alt-Right

But for the True Right

And bring this country

Turned round right

We’ve got a lot of work to do!




Forced marriage

It’s a miscarriage of justice

A must for us to protest

To stop the pest

The pestilence of forcing


Immersing the unwilling

Into fulfilling a parent’s will or 

Be killed

It’s still a sin that’s commonplace

In East and West it’s in your face

Do you see it or do you flee it?

Will you be its opponent and

Own it?  it’s not fiction

It’s an addiction

Of a belief system

A thief system

Stealing human rights

Of girls who set their sights

On living life their own way

Not victimized by daddy’s way

Who says do as I say or die 

His mind has surely gone awry

That’s got to go

It needs a blow

To naming honor

As the stigma of dishonor

What her father wants

And so he flaunts

His right to force

With no remorse

“Do what you oughtta”

But she says “I gotta

Get outa there

Legally and instantly

Give a shout not bear

The pain of shame

It’s not right

To blame me

Or shame me



For wanting to live

My very own life

And not be the wife

Of an unwanted guy

Or face the knife

Of my father

Or brother

Or uncle

Or mother”

Something’s really wrong

And no rhyme or song

Can right this wrong

Without throngs of wise ones

Women and men

With the stroke of the pen

Make illegal this force

Until it’s taken its course

And come to an end

So all will befriend

The suffering one

To suffer no more

She can breathe once more

Feel safe once again

Feel protected from men

Who would hurt or force her

Into a corner

So thank God for Britain

Which has clearly laws written

To ban these marriages

Which true justice miscarriages

And instead to criminalize

Such immoralities and lies

All such acts which would end

In the death of a friend

So instead of cowtowing

She can choose not to bow down

And live her own life

And halt all the strife

Over honor/dishonor

And be free 





Something’s really wrong

And no rhyme or song

Can right this wrong

Without throngs of wise ones

Women and men

With the stroke of the pen

Make illegal this force

Until it’s taken its course

And come to an end

So all will befriend

The suffering one

To suffer no more

She can breathe once more

Feel safe once again

Feel protected from men

Who would hurt or force her

Into a corner

So thank God for Britain

Which has clearly laws written

To ban these marriages

Which true justice miscarriages

And instead to criminalize

Such immoralities and lies

All such acts which would end

In the death of a friend

So instead of cowtowing

She can choose not to bow down

And live her own life

And halt all the strife

Over honor/dishonor

And be free 


Something’s really wrong

And no rhyme or song

Can right this wrong

Without throngs of wise ones

Women and men

With the stroke of the pen

Make illegal this force

Until it’s taken its course

And come to an end

So all will befriend

The suffering one

To suffer no more

She can breathe once more

Feel safe once again

Feel protected from men

Who would hurt or force her

Into a corner

So thank God for Britain

Which has clearly laws written

To ban these marriages

Which true justice miscarriages

And instead to criminalize

Such immoralities and lies

All such acts which would end

In the death of a friend

So instead of cowtowing

She can choose not to bow down

And live her own life

And halt all the strife

Over honor/dishonor

And be free 


Fracking it’s whacking

It’s common sense lacking

How the way to get gas

Is to slice the earth’s ass

A mile across and a mile deep

Polluting the waters and killing the peep

Who live near it

Who hate to hear it

Who are clear it’s sheer


Disastrical impractical

The ground it quakes

Yes many quakes

In states

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00:00 / 02:08
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IMG 9653  My Putin Rap by the "Nana who raps instead of naps!"

IMG 9653 My Putin Rap by the "Nana who raps instead of naps!"

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